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Parks of the Month: Limestone Coast

Limestone Coast

It may have tak­en 26 mil­lion years to cre­ate the Lime­stone Coast, but good things are worth the wait. The region fea­tures pic­turesque port towns, and impres­sive vol­canic craters and moun­tain lakes that have formed over mil­lions of years, such as the Blue Lake at Mount Gambier. Pop­u­lar parks on the Lime­stone Coast include the spec­tac­u­lar World Her­itage-list­ed Nara­coorte Caves Nation­al Park, and the sandy coast and lagoons of Coorong Nation­al Park — a pop­u­lar spot for campers. (Check the link for this month's activities but please note they only come online quite close to the start of the month.)

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