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Parks of the Month: Hal­lett Cove & Mari­no Con­ser­va­tion Parks


Every month The National Parks and Wildlife Service of South Australia features a selected park or parks for the month, including various activities in those locations. (Check the link for this month's activities but please note they only come online quite close to the start of the month.)

XCC Shepherd’s Hill

Adelaide Hills

XCC is a fast paced ‘cross country’ (meaning up and down the hill) MTB race that is designed around a shortened race time and more suitable course design for beginners, meaning it is a friendly introduction to racing for all. For our more experienced riders, think crit racing of […]

Parks of the Month: Limestone Coast

Limestone Coast

It may have tak­en 26 mil­lion years to cre­ate the Lime­stone Coast, but good things are worth the wait. The region fea­tures pic­turesque port towns, and impres­sive vol­canic craters and moun­tain lakes that have formed over mil­lions of years, such as the Blue Lake at Mount Gambier. Pop­u­lar parks on the Lime­stone Coast include the spec­tac­u­lar World Her­itage-list­ed Nara­coorte Caves Nation­al Park, and the sandy coast and lagoons of Coorong Nation­al Park — a pop­u­lar spot for campers. (Check the link for this month's activities but please note they only come online quite close to the start of the month.)

The JLF Ride

Test your limits, mentally and physically in our 4-day ride across iconic South Australian landscapes. This exclusive event will see a small group of cyclists ride through the picturesque city of Adelaide, the Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula. Spanning more than 500km over four days, The JLF Ride 2023 is the ultimate endurance event, all while raising awareness for bowel cancer prevention and early detection.  As this event is not for the faint hearted, it is imperative that your body, mind and equipment can endure such a challenge. 

Belair Marathon

Adelaide Hills

Belair National Park is one of the country’s oldest national parks and it has been a favourite for family picnics and outings from the very start with easy access via a short train trip up from the city. Today, the park remains a thing of beauty […]

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